01 noviembre, 2014

November is here~

Which can only mean one thing, right?

Yes!!! You guessed right! NaNoWriMo

So yeah, I'm taking part of this craziness once more. I mean, while I can certainly say I shouldn't do so because I literally don't have time, and the little time I do have free could be invested more... ah, differently than attempting to write +50k novel/story in one month.
Nevertheless, it's my way of coping with things. I do seem to have a bit of a problem, though, last yer I made some research about certain elements I wanted to include in my world, however, this year I've done nothing about it. So you can say I'm going blindly here.

The theme? Well, the genre it's still Fantasy, because that's the only thing I'm more or less good at (that, and the fact I'm not sure what else to call it...) 
Anyways, back to the point, I actually had this idea for a while now (or at least ever since I started developing the plot of the main story of last year's NaNoWriMo), and since I wanted to do it I said "heck, I might was well try and see what comes out of it."
 For some reason, though, I seem to get more and more ideas, besides the "official ones" (which reminds me, I really, like, seriously, need to update that list...)

So yup, I'm doing this year's NaNo without haven't done my research. I'll just do it as I go along. Which is easier said than done, I can assure you that. I still have a lot of crap from the things I read last year. I am not throwing them away because, I swear that storyline has a life of its own. I ended the month with a little bit more of the 50,000 words required (not quite finished, but I did meet the goal). Now, almost a year later, that thing has nearly 75,000 from all the additions and whatnot I've done to it. That's great and all, but the more I add to it, the further away I get from actually finishing the novel/story
 Funny thing is, it was never meant to grow like that. I had just considered it as "a series of connected oneshots", to explain certain events in my "main" story that were either too complicated or did not fit to be said there. Plus, I had it considered as some sort of reference point, in case I got a little too —ahem— sidetracked in the main plot. 
Yes, you can all tell me how much it worked now. Once I get into my head I need to wrap it up, and actually finish it instead of adding more and more every single time I tried editing it, I might as well say what's about, put is somewhere (like Wattpad), so people can give me their output, so I can see if it's a good idea, or how cliche it is and go back and make it more original.

But for now? For now it'll remain as anonymous and mysterious as I allow it to be (I do ramble about it every now and then, since "hey, it's my baby!!!" (besides my cat, but don't tell him I said that...)).

Wish me luck! Not only I'm committing myself to write +50k words in a month, but I also have to deal with having a part-time job, and being a full-time student with Spartan-like professors. 

I'll come back complaining how horrible things are going, okay?


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